Monday 1 December 2014

How Does Exercise Help Detox


Exercise has many useful benefits. Doctors recommend regular exercise as a way to improve and maintain health. Exercise keeps you limber, increases lung capacity and makes the heart muscle stronger. Another well-known benefit is that exercise helps you to lose weight. But exercise has hidden benefits as well. Exercise helps to detoxify the body. Walking, running, dancing, swimming and other types of exercise helps the body to rid itself of accumulated wastes, toxins and poisons.

What is Detoxification?

Detox or detoxification is the internal cleansing of the body. Detox has many forms. For some people detox is a way to end dependency on alcohol, illegal drugs or prescription drugs. In these cases detoxification helps a person to end their addictions. But most people want to detoxify to feel healthier. Every day people are bombarded with harmful chemicals and toxins in the air they breathe and in the food they eat. These substances enter the body and are usually stored in the fat deposits of the body. Many experts suggest making detoxification a lifestyle change instead of doing a detox program a few times a year. In addition to regular exercise that helps with detoxification, other ways to detoxify is fasting, eating organic food, and taking herbal supplements. Many experts in alternative medicine suggest that cleaning out the liver, the kidneys and the colon are important steps in the detoxification process.

How Exercise Helps With Detox

The body is engineered to heal itself to get rid of toxins and to keep the body running as efficiently as possible. With exercise you clean all of your internal organs at the same time. Exercise accelerates the detoxification process. As you exercise, the blood circulates throughout the body, bringing nutrients to all the organs and muscles. Exercise also helps lymph fluids circulate the body, which removes toxins and other harmful materials. When exercising you breathe deeply and take in more oxygen, which helps all the cells to perform their jobs, including removing toxins. At the same time you exhale carbon dioxide, which is a by-product of the various functions performed by the body. As you do aerobic exercise you build up a sweat and toxins are released through the pores of the skin. Exercising also helps you to lose weight by reducing the amount of fatty tissues in the body. As the fatty tissues grow smaller the toxins stored in fat are released into the body. These toxins must be removed. Fasting and herbal remedies are two ways to get rid of these toxins in your body.

Types of Exercise

Aerobic exercise like bicycling, jogging and dancing all get the body moving and helps in the detoxification process. For best results exercise 20-30 minutes three times a week. But core muscle exercises also are useful for detoxification. Yoga also is beneficial because its many poses help to massage the internal organs. More advanced forms of Yoga even provide a cardiovascular workout. Any exercise that you enjoy doing will help with detoxification.

Tags: detoxification process, also helps, exercise that, fatty tissues, helps lose