Thursday 25 December 2014

Be Like Jennifer Aniston

Be Like Jennifer Aniston

You don't have to have a hit comedy series under you belt and famous friends to be like Jennifer Aniston. Hollywood glamour aside, take these few suggestions to exude the charm and down-to-earth approachability that Jennifer displays for the public.


1. Spend time on the beach. To be like Jennifer Aniston, you need a deep appreciation for sand, sun and water (and margaritas).

2. Keep your mouth shut during difficult and public break ups. You'll appear as classy as Jennifer, no matter what spiteful, evil thoughts you entertain in your head about the unfaithful louse who ran off with his sexy co-worker.

3. Banish self-help books from your home library. Trust your instincts and lean on your friends like Jennifer does. It helps if you replace old flames with funny, teddy-bear types that everyone loves or with foreign models that make even the magazine pages feel hot.

4. Smoke only after dark, for no apparent reason, except maybe to prevent being seen and photographed. Don't flaunt other vices, like using the F-word, but do slip them into conversation occasionally, letting people know you're human and not the goody-goody that you've been stereotyped to be.

5. Exercise for physical and emotional health. Do yoga four times weekly. Use an elliptical trainer three days a week. Keep carb count low, but avoid diets.

6. Create a new hairstyle that takes over the world and is named after you. This is the best time period if you are going to gain a few extra pounds. People will be too busy noticing your hair to recognize you are a couple sizes larger than most Hollywood leading women.

Tags: Jennifer Aniston, friends like, friends like Jennifer, like Jennifer