Tuesday 30 December 2014

Build A Base For Marathon Training

Before starting marathon training, you should be at a certain level of physical fitness and running experience. If you're starting from scratch, this 10-week regimen is for you.


1. Plan to exercise four days a week for 10 weeks.

2. Begin each session with 10 to 15 minutes of stretching, and end each session with a 10-minute walk followed by more stretching.

3. Take on week one. Walk 10 minutes. Jog 2 to 3 minutes. Walk 4 minutes. Repeat five times each session.

4. Get into it with week two. Walk 10 minutes. Jog 3 minutes. Walk 3 minutes. Repeat five times each session.

5. Settle into week three. Walk 5 to 10 minutes. Jog 5 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat four times each session.

6. Keep it going into week four. Walk 5 minutes. Run 7 minutes. Walk 3 minutes. Repeat three times each session.

7. Stay on a roll in week five. Walk 5 minutes. Run 8 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat three times each session.

8. Pat yourself on the back for being halfway there as you enter week six. Walk 3 to 5 minutes. Run 9 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat three times each session.

9. Recognize your growing stamina in week seven. Walk 3 to 5 minutes. Run 9 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Repeat three times each session.

10. Feel good about yourself as you confront week eight. Walk 3 to 5 minutes. Run 13 minutes. Walk 2 minutes. Repeat twice each session.

11. Visualize the end of your first goal as you begin week nine. Walk 3 minutes. Run 14 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Do this twice each session.

12. Congratulate yourself for your accomplishment in week 10. Walk 3 minutes. Run 30 minutes without stopping.

Tags: Walk minutes, each session, minutes minutes, Walk minutes minutes, minutes minutes Walk, minutes Walk