Friday 5 December 2014

Fundraising Ideas For Sadd

SADD chapters can hold fund-raising events to boost their budgets.

In many schools, Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) chapters rely on fund-raising efforts to find the money necessary to operate each year. The money they raise goes toward educational and promotional efforts in the fight to keep students from drinking and driving. As you consider ways to boost your chapter's budget, look for options that allow you to engage fellow students and community members to raise awareness at the same time that you are raising funds.

Crush Sale

A crush sale is a fun activity for students that will also raise money for your SADD chapter. During the sale, students can send a can of Orange Crush to the person they have a crush on. Organize sign-up sheets and charge students $2 per can; during school, deliver the cans with an attached note from the crush. To add an extra bit of fun and raise more money, allow recipients to pay $2 more to find out who sent the can. Brand your sign-up sheets and note sheets with your chapter's SADD logo to raise awareness about your group.

Student Service Auction

Reach out to people in your community and make the most of your members' talents by holding a student service auction. Recruit members and other volunteers from your school to donate a service that is worth money: babysitting, odd jobs, mowing the lawn, raking leaves or teaching music lessons, for example. Create a list of all of the services and the auction details and post it on bulletin boards around the community; to get a bigger audience, hold the auction in a place with a built-in crowd, like halftime at a basketball game. Auction off the services to the highest bidder.

Corporate Sponsorship

Bring local businesses into the effort to stop students from drunk driving by holding a corporate sponsorship drive. Prepare an information pack about your chapter using national SADD materials and details about the things you do in your school and community. Ask companies to donate money or supplies to support your cause. In return, offer to put their logo on programs or advertisements and to give them public thank-yous at events; the association with a positive group like SADD can boost a business' image in the community.

Faculty Dress-Down Days

To get faculty to contribute to your SADD cause, talk to the principal about creating a dress-down day option. Specify a specific day of the week and run the event throughout the year. To take advantage of a casual dress day, each staff or faculty member must pay a certain amount into your SADD fund: even $5 per person per dress-down day can add up over the course of the semester or the year.

Tags: your chapter, your SADD, about your, raise awareness, SADD chapters