Tuesday 14 April 2015

Avoid Gaining Too Much Weight During Pregnancy

Avoid Gaining Too Much Weight During Pregnancy

Most experts estimate that a healthy woman should gain between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. A little less or more is fine, but gaining 50 pounds will certainly make it more difficult to lose the excess weight after the baby is born.


1. Stop eating for two. While it’s true that you will need to eat more during pregnancy, the recommended calorie intake is just 500 more than you would normally eat. This equals 3 bananas, a few yogurts or 2 donuts. Giving yourself permission to eat whatever you want will not only make you gain a lot of additional weight but it can result in a myriad of problems, such as back pain, water retention and diabetes.

2. Exercise. Working out during pregnancy is perfectly safe as long as you stick to low impact activities such as walking, biking or swimming. If you were active before pregnancy, it will be even easier to keep up your activity level, but even if you were not, your doctor can help you design a safe and effective exercise program.

3. Don’t give in to every single craving. Indulging in ice cream once in a while is fine, but eating a whole pint every night after dinner is definitively not.

4. Focus on healthy food groups such as proteins, but make sure they are low fat. Eat lots of veggies and fruits, but be careful with juices, which contain tons of sugar and almost no fiber when compared to the whole fruit.

5. Take care of your appearance. Buy some cute pregnancy outfits and put on make up when you wake up in the morning. The more you care about how you look, the less likely you are to overeat. Changes in your skin or hair are normal, but making the most of your looks will certainly help you stay focused.

Tags: during pregnancy, Avoid Gaining, Avoid Gaining Much, Gaining Much, Gaining Much Weight, Much Weight, Much Weight During