Tuesday 2 December 2014

How Does The Excretory System Work With The Digestive System

The excretory system is part of the digestive system.

The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC) describes the excretory organs as part of the digestive system. These organs all work together to convert food from its raw form into nutrients the body can use, while processing and disposing of the remaining waste materials.


Major digestive and excretory organs include the esophagus, stomach, intestines, kidneys, and bladder.

Digestive Process

The NDDIC states that when you swallow food or liquids, the esophagus carries the material to the stomach, which breaks them down so the small intestine can absorb them.

Urinary System

Once nutrients are broken down into their components, the blood carries liquid wastes to the kidneys for filtering, according to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse. The filtered liquid goes to the bladder for disposal.

Bowel System

According to the NDDIC, solid waste moves through the body to the colon, which expels it from the body.

Digestive Nerves

Nerves regulate the digestive pathway. The NDDIC explains that some nerves send messages from the brain to push the food through the digestive system, while other nerves inside the stomach, intestines, and colon control the speed of the process.

Tags: digestive system, Diseases Information, Diseases Information Clearinghouse, excretory organs, Information Clearinghouse, part digestive