Tuesday 2 December 2014

How Does Thin Client Work

Thin Clients Are Computers

In the most basic definition of the term, thin clients are actually individual computer systems. The thin client machine operated by a user contains its own Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), its own memory, network connections, and even its own operating system. Because it contains its own operating environment (usually some variant of the Linux or UNIX system software), a thin client is capable of booting into an operable state without any network assistance. In most thin client deployments, however, the similarities with a standard personal computer end after the client is fully booted.

Thin Clients Access a Server

Once a thin client is fully booted, special software on the machine uses a built-in network connection to access an application server. Most of the software that a thin client runs--applications like word processors, spreadsheets, graphic design, drafting packages, and even web browsers--reside on a network server rather than on the individual user's desktop machine. For this reason, a thin client does not require a large amount of Random Access Memory (RAM), nor does it require a large hard drive to store applications; for cost and reliability reasons, many thin client machines rely on built-in flash memory rather than hard drives to handle the minimal memory requirements.

Network Administrators Install and Maintain Software

On a personal desktop computer, the user is usually responsible for obtaining, installing, and maintaining any software packages that may be needed. Since a thin client relies on a network server to provide the software, however, this responsibility falls on the network administrator. In a thin client environment, network administrators determine what software is required by users, then install and maintain that software on the server to which clients connect. In some cases, special network licenses must be obtained for the software, but many packages will run on the server as a single instance. For home and business users alike, this environment is preferable to a personal computer deployment, as thin client administrators can ensure all users have access to the same software selections.

Tags: thin client, client fully, client fully booted, does require, does require large, fully booted, network server