Friday 5 December 2014

How Many Calories Are Burned In Exercise

How Many Calories Are Burned in Exercise?

People exercise for any number of reasons. At the core of most motives is the desire to lose or control weight. Exercising burns calories, but all exercises are not created equally. There are vast differences you should be aware of if your goal is to maximize calories burned per workout.

Indoor Exercises

Jumping rope at a fast pace burns calories quickly. A 155-pound person will burn an average of 844 calories per hour. An hour on a stationary bike will burn 739 calories and an hour on a stair-treadmill will burn 422 calories.

On the Road

Walking at a brisk pace--4 mph--will burn 281 calories. Walking uphill at 3.5 mph will burn 422 calories, while running at just over 5 mph will result in 633 calories burned. Biking, vigorously, will burn 704 calories.

Take A Dip

Swimming is a low-impact workout. Swimming laps at a moderate pace for one hour will burn 563 calories. Vigorously treading water will burn 704 calories per hour. Water aerobics will burn an average of 281 calories, while water polo will burn 700-plus calories in an hour of play.

Pastimes / Sports

Play an hour of tennis (singles), and you can expect to burn 563 calories, the same amount you would burn in one hour of beach volleyball. An hour of golf, with an electric cart, will burn 246 calories. Lose the electric cart and you can burn 352 calories in that same hour.

Feel the Burn

The activities with the highest number of calories burned in an hour are not for the timid and certainly not the beginner. Race a bike at 20 mph, and you will burn 1,126 calories in an hour. Running up stairs will net you 1,056 calories, and cross-country skiing uphill will burn 1,161 calories.

Tags: burn calories, will burn, will burn calories, calories hour, burn calories hour