Friday 5 December 2014

How Long Before I Can Run After A Pulled Hamstring

Pulled hamstrings can be a very painful injury, and recovering from them often takes anywhere from 10 days to three months. Several factors come into play when deciding how long is an appropriate recovery time before one can begin running again.

Depends on the severity

Pulled hamstrings are graded on severity, with Grade I, Grade II, and Grade III injuries. Grade I pulls typically cause tightness in the thigh, and while you may have minimal swelling and discomfort, you still can walk without too much of a limp. Grade II hamstring pulls are a little more severe, and can include partial tearing of the muscle. Grade II pulls cause more discomfort, and bring with it more pain. A Grade III hamstring injury means that you have completely ruptured or torn the muscles, and surgery may be needed. Not surprisingly, you will be able to run much sooner with a Grade I injury than with a Grade II or III.

Rehabilitating the injury

Rehabilitation should begin almost immediately with the R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compress, elevation). Stay off of your feet as much as you can, and use ice on the hamstring. A bandage or heat retainer is great in helping the muscles recover, and elevation is good when you are lying or sitting. If the injury is Grade I or II, try light stretching after three days. Do not overexert yourself in the stretching, but try to hold your stretches for 10 to 20 seconds at a time. If the injury improves after a week to 10 days, you can try light some jogging.

Back on your feet

Once you can jog without any discomfort, you can run. Again, be sure not to overexert yourself. Grade I hamstring pulls should recover enough for you to run at full speed after 10 days or two weeks of rehabilitation. For Grade II hamstring pulls, you should wait two to three weeks before running at full speed. Again, with a Grade III injury, you should consult a doctor before running at full speed.

Doctor visit may be necessary

If after three weeks you still are in pain and cannot jog, the injury may be more serious than you originally thought, and you should consult a doctor.

Tags: Grade hamstring, with Grade, full speed, Grade hamstring pulls, hamstring pulls, after three, before running