Monday 8 December 2014

How Long Must One Do Cardio Until Tummy Fat Burns

Cardiovascular exercises such as running, swimming or cycling cannot be ignored if you plan on ridding yourself of unwanted stomach fat. Although performing cardio will help you shed body fat, it must be performed for a certain period to be of any value. Also, there are certain methods and tricks that can make your training more efficient and successful. However, if you are a beginner, remember to talk to a doctor before starting an intense training program.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Most people who use jogging or other forms of cardiovascular exercise to stay lean are probably familiar with aerobic exercise, in which a low level of intensity is exerted over a long period of time. In most cases this is 20-45 minutes. While aerobic exercises will help you become leaner, they are not the most efficient way to burn fat. That method is known as High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT. During HIIT, the body goes into an anaerobic phase, in which the amount of oxygen you need is far greater than the amount your lungs are able to take in. This state is accessed by working very hard for a short period of time (10-30 seconds) before reducing intensity for a similar period of time. This exercise cycle, when performed for the recommended 15-30 minutes, is the best way to burn tummy fat, and, while it will not improve your endurance as well as aerobic exercise will, it is a better way for you to become leaner and lower your body fat percentage.

Methods of Interval Training

You can perform High Intensity Interval Training with any type of cardiovascular exercise. It is recommended that beginners aim for 10 minute sessions, eventually building up to 30 minutes or longer. Running sprints is a great way to push your body to anaerobic levels and burn tummy fat. When performing HIIT, it is important to remember that you are working for a period of time rather than a certain distance. For example, on a track or running path, you can alternate between sprinting for 10 seconds and walking for 20 seconds. Repeat this process for 10 minutes and you are finished. As you get acclimated to interval training, you can train more intensely by sprinting and walking for the same duration, for example sprinting for 20 seconds and walking for 20. Experienced runners may even jog slowly during the rest period instead of walking. It is recommended that cardiovascular exercise be done three times per week for a duration of 30 minutes in order to maintain a healthy level of fitness. However, if your goal is to lose body fat, diet will also play a key role in your efforts. Keeping your caloric, sugar and saturated fat intake low will allow you to cut your cardio sessions down by a few minutes.

Tags: Interval Training, period time, cardiovascular exercise, High Intensity, High Intensity Interval