Visualization and posture are key for aiming long billiard shots.
Learning to aim at long billiard shots is an exercise in both mental and physical conditioning. It involves conscious consideration of your posture, approach and method of aiming the cue stick in relation to the cue ball. Preliminary preparation can include watching professional billiard players set up and execute their shots. Another important step when learning to aim is to practice on a regular basis and continue to focus on each component of your technique to ensure you are learning the proper mechanics.
1. Visualize a straight-line path through the ball being aimed at, the "object" ball. Extend the line from the middle of the pocket you are aiming for, through the center of the object ball, all the way to the opposite end of the table.
2. Stand directly behind the cue ball and visualize a straight line extending from the center of the cue ball to where the object ball's line intersects the outer edge of the object ball. The line will be such that, for a brief instant when the balls make contact, they will be perfectly lined up for a straight shot.
3. Set yourself up for the shot directly behind the cue ball and lower your head. Use your preferred eye to sight the shot and bring your eye as low as comfortably possible behind the cue ball. Make sure your line of sight is well aligned with the shot you want to make.
4. Choose the point of contact between cue stick and cue ball by visualizing the straight line running through the center of the ball. Because you are trying to hit the ball in a direct straight line, this point will be as close to the center of the ball as you can manage.
5. Practice this procedure until it becomes intuitive. Significant practice is necessary to develop your aiming ability and other mechanical aspects of billiards, such as where and how hard to hit the cue ball for different shots. Don't give up.
Tags: object ball, behind ball, center ball, straight line, ball line, billiard shots, directly behind