Monday 8 December 2014

How Many Calories Are Burned Running

Running is one of the highest calorie-burning activities. It is so energy intensive because you have to support your own body weight while moving forward quickly, using many of your larger muscles.


Calories burned while running is dependent on the size/weight of the runner. Larger runners burn more calories. It is also somewhat dependent upon the effort exerted/running speed. Other factors that affect calories burned are weather and terrain.

The Smaller Person

A 110 lb. person could expect to burn 87 calories per mile. A 130 lb. person would use approximately 103 calories per mile.

Middle-Weight Runners

A 140 lb. person would use approximately 111 calories per mile while running. A 160 lb. individual uses approximately 126 calories per mile.

The Bigger Runner

Bigger runners have more body mass to fuel and move so they use more calories. A 200 lb. runner burns approximately 158 calories per mile while a 230 lb. individual uses 182 calories for the same distance.

Fun Fact

You don't need to run fast and hard to lose weight and burn calories while running. Running slow and long will have the best effect while revving up your metabolism to burn more calories even after your workout is over.

Tags: calories mile, approximately calories, approximately calories mile, more calories, while running, burn calories, burn more