Add Sweat Beads to a Face in Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is often used to retouch photographs. One graphics job that sometimes has to be done using Photoshop is to add beads of liquid to an object or person to give an impression that the location is hot and humid. This effect is fairly easy to produce in Photoshop, though it takes a bit of time to do it right.
1. Load the photo you want to work with onto your computer. You can do this by inserting digital media like a CD or flash drive and transferring it, or you can directly transfer it from the digital camera. You can also scan it in, though the quality of the image will probably be lessened.
2. Open Photoshop. Select "File" and click "Open." In the dialog, browse to the location of the image you loaded and open it. Select the "Zoom" tool and draw a selection around the face to zoom in on it.
3. Set the "Foreground" color in the toolbar to white. Select the "Custom Shape" tool. In the "Presets" at the top select the "drop" shape. Draw it onto the face, making it about the size of a bead of sweat. Right-click on the shape layer in the "Layers" panel and select "Rasterize."
4. Click in the "FX" icon at the bottom of the "Layers" panel and from the options select "Bevel and Emboss." In the dialog that opens select "Inner Bevel" and smooth. Set the "Size" to 35, the "Soften" to 16 and the "Angle," "Altitude" and "Opacity" to 30. Click "OK."Change the layer "Opacity" to 35.
5. Click on the "New Layer" icon at the bottom of the "Layers" panel. Select the "Elliptical Marquee" tool. Draw a small selection on one side of the bead of sweat. Use the "Paintbucket" tool to fill the selection with white. Reduce the layer "Opacity" to 50. Then deselect.
6. Use the "Smudge" tool to bland the highlight you just made in a bit. Right-click on the layer and select "Merge Down."
7. Select "Filters" and click "Liquefy.'" In the dialog, use the tool to adjust the drop to make it less symmetrical and more natural looking. Click "OK."
8. Click on "Select" in the menu and click "Select All." Select "Edit" and click "Copy."
9. Select "Edit" and click "Paste." Use the "Move" tool to reposition the sweat bead. Select "Scale" under "Edit" and randomly resize the bead. Repeat this step to produce all the sweat for your image. Select "File" and click "Save." Name your file and save it.
Tags: Layers panel, bead sweat, Beads Face, Beads Face Photoshop, bottom Layers, bottom Layers panel