Monday, 3 November 2014

Florida Food Stamp Rules

The program enables low-income households to buy food.

Once known as the Food Stamp Program, Florida's retooled Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides more than 1 million low-income individuals and families with the ability to purchase food necessary for them to maintain good health. But according to the Florida Department of Children and Families, certain rules apply for participation in the program.

Eligibility Requirements

A passport is one way to prove your identity.

To receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance benefits, you must show identification, your Social Security card or application for one, proof of U.S. citizenship--or qualified non-citizen status--and proof of Florida residency.

A qualifying Florida household must have a total monthly gross income of equal to or less than 130 percent of the federal poverty level and a net income equivalent to or below the national poverty level.

You are ineligible for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance benefits in Florida if you have been convicted of drug trafficking, have fled a felony warrant, have purposely broken food program rules, or if you are not a U.S. citizen or have no qualified status. Some students enrolled in college also are not eligible to take part in the Florida program.

Allowed Benefits and Assets

Adults in Florida who are disabled or at least 60 years old are eligible for consistent benefits. However, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance benefits are only awarded for three months within a three-year period to healthy 18- to 50-year-olds who are not pregnant with no dependent children and aren't working or taking part in a workfare program. Participants in the Supplemental Security Income program may also be eligible to receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance benefits without additional paperwork, applications or interview procedures.

Participants in Florida's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are also allowed to have assets, such as bank accounts or property other than their home. An asset limit of $2,000 is allowed in most cases. However, the disabled or participants at least 60 years old are allowed a limit of $3,000 in assets.

Acceptable Items to Buy

You can use Supplemental Nutrition Assistance benefits to purchase bread, cereal, fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, poultry and dairy products, as well as plants and seeds used to grow food that will be used to feed the household. However, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance benefits cannot be used to purchase nonfood items--including pet food, paper products, soap, grooming items, household supplies, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, vitamins, medicine, hot food or food that is to be consumed within the store.

Tags: Nutrition Assistance, Supplemental Nutrition, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance, Assistance benefits, Nutrition Assistance benefits, also eligible