Friday 28 August 2015

Hamstring Exercises With Weights

The hamstrings are group of muscles and tendons that run along the backs of the upper legs. Hamstring strength is important for running, jumping and explosive acceleration, so lifting weights with the hamstrings is an important part of building athletic ability.

Leg Curls

Leg curls are one of the best ways to target the hamstring muscles when weight lifting without working out any other muscles. Leg curls are usually done with a leg curl machine, which consists of a flat surface for the user to lie down on stomach first, and two leg pads that the legs go under, with the heels touching the pads. To begin curling, pull the pin out of the weight stack and select an appropriate amount of weight, then close the knee joint forcefully against the resistance provided by the leg pads. Some leg curl machines are set up to have the user sit upright, and then curl the legs downward against a pair of pads connected to a weight stack.


The deadlift is a great exercise for building raw leg strength. To do a deadlift, load up a barbell on the floor with non-metal weights made for deadlifting. These weights will be larger than normal metal weights and composed of a weighted rubbery substance. Approach the bar and stand just behind it with the toes extending underneath the bar, and the feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at the knees into a squat, and then grab the bar with both hands, equal distance from the middle of the bar.

Keeping your head up and your back straight, use the strength of your hips and legs to lift the bar up until you are standing upright, with the bar at full arm extension resting along the fronts of the quadriceps. The bar should stay very close to the body throughout the lift. Once you reach this position, drop the weight, making sure to keep your knees back out of its way. It will bounce a little bit and make a loud noise after you drop it, but once it settles, squat and repeat the exercise.

Hamsting Plate Drags

An exercise similar to the hamstring curl can be achieved with single 25- to 45-lb. weight plate using the hamstring drag method. To start, place the weight plate on a durable floor surface or carpet, then lie down with your back to the floor and your feet next to the weight plate.

Place the heel of one of your feet in the hole of the weight plate, and then use that leg to drag the plate along the ground up toward your buttocks. Continue dragging the plate up and down, while keeping the other leg straight for support until it becomes too fatigued to continue, then switch legs. This exercise works the legs in two ways: It forces them the pull the weight along the ground, and apply downward pressure to ensure that the heel does not slip out of the hole in the weight.

Tags: weight plate, along ground, hole weight, pull weight, weight stack