Thursday 6 August 2015

Fastest Way To Lose Weight After Giving Birth

Do not plan on losing weight immediately after giving birth. While it may be possible for some women to lose weight quickly after giving birth, it is never recommended for anyone to lose pounds too quickly, especially during a time when the body and mind require extra nutrients that can only come from a balanced, healthy diet. For a more permanent weight loss, plan on losing your baby weight gradually and allow for actual fat loss and not (temporary) water loss.

First and foremost, talk with your doctor

Discuss your weight loss goals, questions and concerns with your doctor or obstetrician before beginning any diet or exercise program after giving birth. Be prepared for certain factors that could delay your doctor giving you the go-ahead for exercise. This includes whether or not you had a Cesarean section (C-section) during you child's birth, from which your body may require a longer recovery period before engaging in intense physical activity.

Exercising after giving birth

Even if you are not able to participate in aerobic exercise immediately after the birth, your doctor may allow you to participate in lower-intensity exercises such as walking, yoga and swimming. These activities will still burn calories, which will help you to lose weight, just at a slower pace.

Dieting after giving birth

During the time following the birth of your baby, is it crucial that you eat healthy, balanced diet that is not too low in calories. A healthy diet is not only beneficial for weight loss, but may promote good mood and keep your energy level high during the period after giving birth. Following a poor diet during this time may also increase your risk of becoming anemic. A healthy diet to accommodate weight loss will include whole grains, which include bread, pasta, cereal and rice; vegetables; fruit; low-fat protein such as skinless lean meats like chicken and turkey, fish and low-fat dairy; as well as legumes, nuts and heart-healthy oils.

Planning ahead

If you are trying to become pregnant or are already are, a more effective long-term plan may be to maintain your fitness level throughout your pregnancy, so you don't have to spend months after the birth trying to regain your pre-pregnancy body. Try to eat a healthy, balanced diet over the next nine months and exercise regularly under a program recommended by your doctor. This will not only help prevent too much weight accumulation during your pregnancy, but will benefit the healthy of your unborn child.

Tags: after giving birth, giving birth, after giving, your doctor, weight loss