Friday 31 October 2014

Free Fundraising Ideas For Teens

Fund-raising is a useful way to provide sponsorships, new equipment, or help to those in need. It instills pride in those who participate and allows them to appreciate the rewards of their hard work. When teens are involved in the fund-raising process, the fund-raiser itself usually needs to be free, and with teenagers in charge, their creativity can lead to some incredible ideas.

Worker Auctions

What better way to raise money, then to auction off the strong, energetic, hard-working teens themselves. Advertising for this type of event can be as simple as a church or PTA announcement where parents are informed that they will be able to bid on teens for a day of labor. Typical tasks that teens tend to endure to earn their bids for this event include yardwork, house painting, baby-sitting, and general house cleaning.

Family Photos

The yearly family ritual can be a great opportunity for clubs to earn money. Book a photography company in advance and announce to students and families that they will have the chance to come and take their portraits. Shop around a little when looking for the photographer as many will offer special discounts to the families and large donations to the group raising the funds.

Charity Awareness Luncheon

If there are some teens in the club who are talented with food, this event is an excellent option. Begin by speaking with local grocery stores or wholesale business to obtain ingredients donations. Also, reserve the cafeteria or fellowship hall for the day's event. When seeking donations and reserving space, businesses will usually ask for a request letter on club letterhead, so have this prepared in advance. Once the supplies have been accounted for, plan a lunch event where either a documentary or speaker talks about the event for which funds are being raised and charge for tickets to the event. As an added bonus for donors, offer to post an advertising banner at the buffet table for their contribution.


For those who enjoy a more mentally stimulating event, have students participate in a book-a-thon. In this event, students ascertain pledges in advance for every page read over a set week. During that week, students will read as many books as they can, having parents sign off on their daily progress. Once the event is over, students inform their sponsors of the total pages read and collect the funds for their club.

Tags: this event, that they, that they will, they will