Thursday 2 October 2014

Adjust An Ezgo Governor

You can increase the speed of your golf cart for short periods of time.

For those who want to increase the speed of their golf game, they can make some simple adjustments to how fast their golf cart can go. In this case the piece that needs adjustment is called the ground speed governor, which will allow more power and speed to consume the engine at levels that surpass the original speeds of 5 to 10 miles per hour. With current technology, you can only take advantage of this for about five minutes after ignition.


1. Raise the seat attached to the cart and unscrew the black plastic piece located at the end of the cart. Note that there are five screws that require unscrewing.

2. Remove the black plastic cover and look into the empty area that once had its seat in place. The governor appears in the scene of a spring apparatus that is hooked to the throttle cable. This device will consist of both a small and large nut.

3. Check the small nut to see that it is less tightened than the larger nut. The speed of the golf cart is greatly enhanced when the larger nut has been severely tightened.

4. Tighten the small nut immediately after determining the acceptable speed.

5. Re-screw the black plastic piece into the golf cart until the entire seat is back in place.

Tags: golf cart, black plastic, black plastic piece, increase speed, plastic piece, their golf