Wednesday 24 September 2014

Foods High In Sodium

While it's necessary for some sodium to be included in any diet, there are definite dangers of having too much sodium, including increased risk for high blood pressure and heart disease as well as stroke and kidney problems. Therefore, it's important to be able to recognize foods that are high in sodium in order to learn regulate your sodium intake.

Canned Foods

Canned vegetables and canned vegetable juice often contain a high amount of sodium. Similarly, soups often have a high sodium content as well--even those marketed as healthy choices.

Dehydrated Foods

Dried and dehydrated foods such as packet soups, pastas, rices and other instant versions of pastas and macaroni and cheese often have high sodium contents.


Many cereals and grain-based foods contain high amounts of sodium. Crackers are often high in sodium, as are biscuits and cereals. Sodium is often included in the flours that are the basics of such foods.


All processed meats are generally high in sodium, especially processed lunch meats and sausages.


Many snacks such as popcorn and peanuts are high in sodium, but some of these can be averted. Unsalted peanuts and popcorn can still be healthy, low-sodium snacks, but it's important to read the labels.


Mixes such as pancakes, stuffing and premade cookie mixes are often higher in sodium than they would be if made from scratch.

Tags: high sodium, contain high, have high, have high sodium, high sodium, often have