Wednesday 10 September 2014

Be A Good Long Distance Runner

A good long distance runner is both committed and disciplined, ready to do whatever it takes to finish the race. Waking up one morning and declaring to run a marathon is more than a major decision. It requires months of hard work and endurance training. If you want to be a good long distance runner and you are determined to succeed, begin by practicing a few basic steps and soon you'll be the one the crowd is cheering on as you cross the finish line.


Be a Good Long Distance Runner

1. Get up a few extra hours in the morning for a slow-paced 5 mile run. Slow-paced, long distance runs increase both lung capacity and endurance. Mornings are a great time to get the blood pumping and the heart rate going. Begin the day with a winning attitude. Those who get up early and run first thing in the morning are those who become good long distance runners.

2. Evenings and weekends are also good times for long distance runs. Most people do not have the time necessary in the morning before work to do anything other than getting ready for the day. They especially do not have the time to run. For those whose mornings are already packed full, evenings after work or weekends provide a much more flexible time schedule. Running a few miles doesn't take long, but training for a long distance run requires more than just a few miles. Making sure to set aside a few hours for a run will ensure that you will someday become a very good long distance runner.

3. Part of training should include rapid runs up and down stairs or steep hills. Building leg muscles is important to becoming a good long distance runner. There is no better way to strengthen leg muscles than to run uphill. A good training exercise requires uphill and downhill sprints for at least an hour at a time. Once you've gone up and down hill for as long as you can, finish up the practice with a good 2 mile jog. The strain on the leg muscles must be worked out. Do not end your uphill sprints by sitting down. This will only cause your muscles to sieze up. If a 2 mile run isn't possible, at least spend a few minutes stretching.

4. Another great training exercise for becoming a good long distance runner are sprints followed by walks. Using the track at a local school is a great place to practice. Sprint half the track and then walk the other half. Do this for at least an hour. This exercise not only strengthens leg muscles it also disciplines the body for that last leg of the race when you need to give it all you've got.

Tags: long distance, good long, long distance runner, distance runner, good long distance