Wednesday 29 July 2015

How Hot Set My Water Heater

In homes with elderly or very young family members, bath water temperature should be tested often to prevent serious burns.

The thermostat on an electric hot water heater has a range of 90 to 150 degrees F, while gas-powered heaters register that range using terms that correspond to those same temperatures. Most experts recommend a setting of 120 degrees F as this is considered suitable for most household needs. While you can set your hot water heater to the maximum of 150 degrees, there are a few important points to consider regarding safety and energy conservation. Does this Spark an idea?

Economical Issues

Setting your hot water heater temperature too high makes poor economic sense in today's tough economy. The U.S. Department of Energy states that, for every 10-degree reduction you make in your heater's water temperature, you can expect to save from 3 to 5 percent in your energy costs. Lowering the water temperature also prolongs the life and efficiency of the water heater as well as the hot water pipes.

Household Requirements

The recommended setting for your water heater is 120 degrees F and is sufficient for most household uses. If you own a dishwasher that doesn't heat its own water, you may need to set the thermostat between 130 to 140 degrees F for optimum cleaning, adds the U.S. Department of Energy. According to the Children's Physician Network, a setting of 120 to 125 degrees F is sufficient for dishwashing as soap does a better job within that temperature range.

Safety Issues

A water temperature of 150 degrees F will produce third-degree burns in most adults in about two seconds, and six seconds is all it takes to be scalded by water that is 140 degrees F. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that about 3,800 injuries and 34 deaths occur in homes each year due to hot water scalding. Children under five and the elderly are most at risk.

Temperature Adjustments

You can adjust your water heater's temperature yourself in a few simple steps. Shut off the power leading to the tank, and turn the circuit breaker off at the electrical panel, or remove the fuse. Electric hot water heaters usually have two thermostats located under two access panels -- one near the top of the tank and the other near the bottom. Use a screwdriver to turn the dial to the temperature you desire. Turn your gas-powered heater's dial and check the tap water temperature with a candy or meat thermometer to achieve the correct setting. Your fuel supplier can adjust your water's temperature if your water is heated by your furnace.

Tags: water temperature, your water, water heater, your water heater, adjust your, adjust your water, degrees sufficient