Wednesday 10 June 2015

Need To Workout For Maximum Fat Burn

Undertaking an exercise regimen brings about muscle strength, tone, cardiovascular endurance and fat burning--if you choose the right workout program. Workouts have different benefits, depending on the time and intensity. Aerobic exercise workouts focus more on cardiovascular endurance and fat burning. Begin an aerobic exercise program if you want to burn fat.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Fat, at its most basic, acts as a backup energy supply for the body. When you exert your muscles and increase your heart rate, it takes much more energy to keep your heart pumping enough blood to your muscles so they can operate at peak efficiency. According to the website ShapeFit (reference 1), 5 days of 40-minute daily cardio sessions per week provide the optimal amount for fat burning.

Too much cardio burns muscle. You need to do at least 20 minutes of exercise in a session to begin burning fat. In some programs, such as the Tabata Training regimen, rely on anaerobic metabolism. Don't attempt the Tabata Training regimen if you aren't used to strenuous exercise or have health risks.

Tabata Training

The Tabata training workout lasts 4 minutes: eight sets of all-out exertion in whatever exercise you choose. Each set should last for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. According to The Body Genesis (reference 2), you can perform more lenient programs of HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training. This system works by burning carbohydrates and fats more effectively after your muscles adapt to it. They offer the most energy. Normal cardio workouts don't stimulate the muscles into working as hard as HIIT programs, so the body burns less energy. Most HIIT programs have a work-rest ratio of 1:3. For example, you would have 1 minute of intense exertion to 3 minutes of rest before doing another set. The Tabata regimen has a 2:1 work-rest ratio.

Tags: Tabata Training, your muscles, cardiovascular endurance, HIIT programs, Tabata Training regimen