Tuesday 27 January 2015

Football Diet Tips

Eat right to excell at football.

Football is a demanding sport, which means that you need to make an effort to feed your body properly. Skipping meals or eating junk food can inhibit your performance. To be a good player, you need to eat the right foods, at the right times, on-season and off. Plan your diet carefully and you'll see your abilities improve.


Football requires you to use short bursts of energy with periods of rest, so carbohydrates--healthy ones--are the best food for football athletes. Leslie Bonci, who consults the Pittsburgh Steelers about nutritional needs, suggests that about 55 to 60 percent of a football player's diet should come from carbohydrates. This includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables.


Water is essential for hydrating football players, especially during practices that start in the summer months. The more you sweat, the more water you should drink to replace the fluids that you are losing. Sports drinks are another option for football players, especially those who lose a lot of salt through sweat.

Two-a-Day Sessions

During training, it's common for a football team to have two-a-day sessions, with one practice in the morning and another in the evening. Depending on the size of the athlete, the caloric needs for these types of days can be enormous--over 10,000 calories. Eating breakfast is essential, even if it's something simple like a smoothie or power bar. You should eat two big meals and large snacks in between. Choose healthy foods rather than junk foods.

Pre-Game Meals

Eating a pre-game meal can be tricky because you need something that will keep you fueled for the game but won't upset your stomach as you're playing. Choose primarily carbohydrates for your pre-game meal, as these will provide the best source of energy. A sandwich or pasta could be a good choice. After the game, you will be hungry and can choose something that's higher in fat.

Losing Weight

Losing weight can help you improve your fitness and increase your speed, but you shouldn't actively diet during the football season. When playing football, you need to eat the proper amount of energy, and limiting your food intake can hinder your performance. Instead, try to choose healthier foods and you may find the weight coming off naturally. You can also go on a diet once the season finishes. Football players should avoid low-carbohydrate diets.

Tags: football players, football players especially, players especially, pre-game meal, something that, your performance